Termite Exterminators - Call Now (718) 972-1040

We're experts at termite extermination for both residential and commercial properties. Call now and ask about our Guaranteed Termite Extermination Service.

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Termite & Wood Destroying Insect
Treatment Plan

Before Treatment:

  1. Inspection: Our technicians conduct a thorough inspection of the affected area to determine the extent of the termite infestation.
  2. Treatment Plan: we then develop a treatment plan using eco-friendly methods.


  1. We apply non-toxic baits and traps (Sentricon® termite baiting system) to attract and eliminate the termites. If possible, we apply natural repellents made from plant extracts to deter termites, and heat treatments to eliminate termites without chemicals.
  2. We identify other potential termite entry points that need to be sealed/repaired by you or your contractor.

Post Treatment:

  1. Education: our technicians will educate you on prevention methods to reduce the risk of termite infestations. Removing dead trees, moving wood piles, even avoiding some types of untreated wood mulches can be effective at keeping termites from damaging you home.
  2. Follow-up inspection: after treatment, we want to ensure your termite infestation has been eliminated. Our termite extermination service is guaranteed. If termites come back, we will too, until they’re gone for good.

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We Solve
Termite & Wood Destroying Insect
Problems. Guaranteed.
termite control NYC
Know the Difference: Termites vs. Ants

Recognizing Termites vs. Ants

The differences can be subtle. Both are about 1/2 in length. Winged ants have elbowed (crooked) antennae and front wings longer than back wings. Termites have straight antennae and a thicker waist.

termite control NYC
Know the Difference: Termites vs. Ants
termite exterminator home
Mud Tubes Left by Subterranean Termites

Subterranean Termites

It is important to recognize the signs of a subterranean termite infestation. Subterranean termites may be detected by the sudden emergence of winged termites called swarms, or by the presence of mud tubes and wood damage. Other signs of termite presence include mud tubes and mud protruding from cracks between boards, beams, and basemet cielings. Subterranean termites transport soil and water above ground to construct earthen runways (shelter tubes) that allow them to tunnel across exposed areas to reach wood.

termite exterminator home
Mud Tubes Left by Subterranean Termites
powder post beetle exterminator near me
Powder Post Beetle

Powder Post Beetles

Powder-post beetles are a real menace that can cause serious damage to the wood in your home or business. These tiny pests are capable of destroying wooden furniture, floors, and structural elements, leaving you with an expensive repair bill.In NYC, these beetles are especially dangerous because of their ability to spread quickly and take up residence in our city's wooden structures. They lay their eggs in the cracks and crevices of wood, and the larvae bore into the wood, leaving behind a fine sawdust that is a telltale sign of their presence.

powder post beetle exterminator near me
Powder Post Beetle
furniture beetle pest control
Furniture Beetles

Furniture Beetles

Adult furniture beetles don't eat wood, but their larvae, better known as woodworm, do. That means hardwoods and softwoods, even least 10 years old. Furniture beetles tend to lay their eggs in the crevices of wood frames, flooring, and furniture to give their larvae a food source when they hatch. These beetles (or their eggs and larvae) hitch a ride into the home inside infested furniture, so it is important to never bring in used furniture.

furniture beetle pest control
Furniture Beetles