Fly Exterminator Williamsbridge and Baychester

Call Ecology Exterminating today at (718) 972-1040 to eliminate flies once and for all. Our services are effective, eco-friendly and guaranteed.

fly exterminator in williamsbridge and baychester

Call Ecology Exterminating Service now to quickly exterminate flies from your home or office.

Homeowners in Williamsbridge should hire Ecology Exterminating Service as their fly exterminator for the following reasons:

  • We use minimal pesticides, ensuring a safe and healthy environment.
  • We've been in business for over 50 years and have a wealth of knowledge and experience.
  • Our technicians are friendly and reliable.
  • We guarantee results.
  • We offer year-round service plans and free estimates.

At Ecology Exterminating Service, we take pride in providing excellent customer service and quality solutions to our customers. We understand the importance of keeping your family safe from harmful pests and believe that our minimal use of pesticides is the best way to do so. Our technicians are highly trained and knowledgeable in the latest techniques for pest control. We guarantee our results and offer year-round service plans that are tailored to your needs. We also provide free estimates so you can make an informed decision. For the best fly exterminator in Williamsbridge, trust Ecology Exterminating Service.

fly exterminator near me
Got Flies? Call Ecology Exterminating Now!

Ecology Exterminating Service was great! They got rid of my rat problem quick and easy. Highly recommend!

J.L. Smith
Morris Park

Do You Need A Fly Exterminator For Your Williamsbridge and Baychester Home?

Flies can be a big nuisance in Williamsbridge homes. You may have a fly infestation if you see:

  • Flies buzzing around inside your home
  • Flies resting on walls or ceilings
  • Dead flies on windowsills or counters
  • White, maggot-like larvae in unsealed food or in your garbage

If you see any of these signs, you may have a fly infestation. To make sure, call a professional fly exterminator like Ecology Exterminating Service. They can help you get rid of these pesky, unhygienic critters and keep your home fly-free.

fly exterminator near me
Flies Are Gross. Call Ecology Exterminating Today.
Williamsbridge and Baychester

Eliminate Flies From Your Williamsbridge And Baychester Home.

Flies can be a nuisance and a health hazard in the home. Although getting rid of flies can be a challenge, there are natural and pesticide-free methods that can help a homeowner in Williamsbridge, Bronx keep their home fly-free.

1. Eliminate food sources: Flies are attracted to food sources in the home. To keep them away, clean up all food immediately and cover open containers of food. Place garbage cans outside and away from the house, and regularly empty and clean them. Keep kitchen and dining areas clean, including countertops and appliances.

2. Set traps: Setting traps can be a good way to catch and remove flies from the home. An easy and cost-effective option is to set up a jar or container filled with a sweet substance, such as a mix of sugar and water, and set a paper cone in the opening to help the flies get in. This will attract the flies and they will get stuck in the container and can then be removed.

3. Make home fly-proof: Take steps to make the home fly-proof by sealing entry points with caulk and screen doors and windows. Make sure screens are in good condition and keep them closed when possible. Keep all doors and windows shut when not in use.