Flea & Tick Exterminator Morris Park and Bronxdale

Call Ecology Exterminating today at (718) 972-1040 to eliminate fleas & ticks once and for all. Our services are effective, eco-friendly and guaranteed.

flea & tick exterminator in morris park and bronxdale

Call Ecology Exterminating Service now to quickly exterminate fleas & ticks from your home or office.

Are you a homeowner in Pelham Gardens/Bronxdale/Laconia looking for a flea and tick exterminator? Look no further than Ecology Exterminating Service! We've been in business for 50 years, so you can trust our knowledgeable staff and friendly technicians to get the job done. We understand the importance of preserving our environment and prioritize minimal use of pesticides.

  • We guarantee results
  • We offer year-round service plans
  • Free estimates

Our tried-and-true methods have been developed from years of experience. We provide the highest quality of services, promising to keep your home free of fleas and ticks. With Ecology Exterminating Service, you can rest assured that the job will be done right. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you protect your home.

flea & tick exterminator near me
Got Fleas And Ticks? Call Ecology Exterminating Now!

Eco Exterm was great! Fast and friendly service. Highly recommend!

Morris Park

Do You Need A Flea & Tick Exterminator For Your Morris Park and Bronxdale Home?

If you’re a homeowner in Pelham Gardens, Bronxdale or Laconia, you may have a flea & tick infestation without even realizing it. Some of the signs that you may have a flea & tick infestation include:

  • Seeing fleas or ticks on your pet or around your home
  • Hearing your pet licking or biting their fur
  • Your pet scratching excessively
  • Seeing small red or black specks, which are flea droppings, around your home

If you’re noticing any of these signs, call Ecology Exterminating Service, a professional flea & tick exterminator. Don’t let fleas and ticks take over your home. Get help from a professional exterminator today!

flea & tick exterminator near me
Fleas And Ticks Are Yucky. Call Ecology Exterminating Today.
Morris Park and Bronxdale

Eliminate Fleas & Ticks From Your Morris Park And Bronxdale Home.

Fleas & ticks are a common problem for homeowners in Pelham Gardens, Bronxdale, and Laconia, Bronx. While there are many chemical-based solutions to getting rid of these pests, there are also some natural methods that can help. Here are some tips for how to get rid of fleas & ticks naturally with minimal pesticides:

  • Vacuum carpets and furniture frequently. This will help remove any fleas & ticks that are living in your home.
  • Wash bedding and linens in hot water. This will help get rid of the eggs that these pests lay in fabric.
  • Add flea & tick repellent to your pet’s collar or bedding. This will help keep them from bringing in any new pests.
  • Sprinkle diatomaceous earth in your carpets and furniture. This will help dehydrate the fleas & ticks and make it harder for them to survive.

These tips can help you get rid of fleas & ticks naturally, but if you are still having a problem, it is best to call an exterminator. At Ecology Exterminating Service, we specialize in removing fleas & ticks with minimal use of pesticides, so you can be sure your home is safe and pest-free.