Rat & Mouse Exterminator Hunts Point and Longwood

Call Ecology Exterminating today at (718) 972-1040 to eliminate rats & mice once and for all. Our services are effective, eco-friendly and guaranteed.

rat & mouse exterminator in hunts point and longwood

Call Ecology Exterminating Service now to quickly exterminate rats and mice from your home or office.

Hunts Point homeowners should hire Ecology Exterminating Service as their rat & mouse exterminator because we offer the best in pest control solutions. Our minimal use of pesticides is great for the environment and we've been in business for 50 years, so we have a wealth of knowledge to help you get rid of your pest problem. Our friendly technicians are also knowledgeable and provide excellent customer service.

We guarantee results, so you can trust that our services are effective. We offer year-round service plans and free estimates, so that you can have confidence when making a decision. Plus, our technicians are always available to answer questions and provide advice and tips on how to reduce the likelihood of a future infestation.

If you're looking to rid your home of rats & mice, hire Ecology Exterminating Service to get the job done right. With our years of experience and knowledge, along with our commitment to using minimal pesticides, you can guarantee that your pest problem will be taken care of quickly and effectively.

rat & mouse exterminator near me
Got Rats And Mice? Call Ecology Exterminating Now!

Ecology Exterminating Service is a savior! They got rid of all my roaches in no time and were so professional. 5 stars!


Do You Need A Rat & Mouse Exterminator For Your Hunts Point and Longwood Home?

Has your home been invaded by rodents? Rats and mice can cause serious damage to your home and property. Here are some signs that you may have a rat or mouse infestation:

  • You notice droppings around food sources, such as in cupboards, pantries, or near pet food dishes.
  • You notice evidence of gnawing on wooden structures, like skirting boards and door frames.
  • You hear noises coming from walls, cupboards, and other areas in your home.
  • You notice holes in walls, floors, or ceilings.
  • You see rats or mice running around your home.

If you've noticed any of these signs in your home, it's time to call the professionals. Ecology Exterminating Service is your go-to rat and mouse exterminator. We have the expertise, equipment, and commitment to rid your home of these pests quickly and effectively. Call us today for a free quote.

rat & mouse exterminator near me
Rats And Mice Aren'T Cute Or Nice. Call Ecology Exterminating Today.
Hunts Point and Longwood

Eliminate Rats & Mice From Your Hunts Point And Longwood Home.

Are you a Hunts Point homeowner dealing with a rat or mouse infestation? You don’t have to resort to harsh chemicals to get rid of the pests. There are many effective, natural ways to get rid of rats and mice without using strong pesticides.

Here are some tips for getting rid of rats and mice with minimal use of pesticides:

  • Keep your home clean. Make sure food is stored in airtight containers and sweep up crumbs regularly.
  • Eliminate entry points into your home. Seal any cracks or crevices in exterior walls, and make sure all doors and windows fit tightly.
  • Remove sources of food and water. Store pet food in airtight containers and fix any leaking pipes or drains.
  • Set traps. Place traps near walls and in areas where you’ve seen evidence of rat or mouse activity.
  • Use natural predators. Cats or owls may be able to help keep the rodent population under control.

If you’re looking for effective removal of rats and mice infestations with minimal use of pesticides, contact Ecology Exterminating Service. Our knowledgeable staff can help you get rid of your pest problem without relying on harsh chemicals.