Fly Exterminator Fordham and University Heights

Call Ecology Exterminating today at (718) 972-1040 to eliminate flies once and for all. Our services are effective, eco-friendly and guaranteed.

fly exterminator in fordham and university heights

Call Ecology Exterminating Service now to quickly exterminate flies from your home or office.

Fordham homeowners should hire Ecology Exterminating Service as their fly exterminator. Our 50 years in business shows our reliability, while our knowledgeable staff, friendly technicians and guaranteed results demonstrate our commitment to high-quality service. We offer a range of year-round service plans to meet any need, and provide free estimates.

We are dedicated to using the minimal amount of pesticides necessary to control pests, making us a safe choice for the environment. Our technicians are trained to find and eliminate the source of the problem. We use a combination of traditional and cutting-edge extermination techniques to ensure complete elimination of the pest.

The advantages of hiring Ecology Exterminating Service are clear. Our team of certified professionals has been safely and successfully exterminating pests for decades. We use the latest extermination methods and practices, and our knowledgeable staff will help you understand the process. With guaranteed results and quality service, you can trust us to quickly and safely get rid of your fly problem.

fly exterminator near me
Got Flies? Call Ecology Exterminating Now!

Ecology Exterminating Service was great. Got the job done no problem. Highly recommend!

J. Smith
Morris Heights

Do You Need A Fly Exterminator For Your Fordham and University Heights Home?

Are you concerned about a possible fly infestation? While flies are a nuisance, there are definite signs to point to an infestation in your home. Keep an eye out for large swarms of flies, especially near windows, doors, and in common areas. You may also notice a lot of fly activity around garbage cans or pet food. If you see any of these signs, it's best to act fast. Flies spread disease and can cause health problems.

A professional fly exterminator can help you get rid of an infestation. Ecology Exterminating Service can provide you with effective and safe fly control services. Call us today and we can inspect your home, identify the source of the problem, and take the necessary steps to get rid of the flies.

Don't let a fly infestation become a bigger problem. If you see any of the signs of an infestation, contact Ecology Exterminating Service today and let us help get rid of your fly problem.

fly exterminator near me
Flies Are Gross. Call Ecology Exterminating Today.
Fordham and University Heights

Eliminate Flies From Your Fordham And University Heights Home.

Flies can be a real nuisance, especially in the Fordham neighborhood of the Bronx. Fortunately, there are several ways to get rid of flies without using a lot of pesticides.

  • Keep food and garbage containers tightly sealed. Flies are attracted to the smell of food, so keeping containers tightly sealed and disposing of garbage promptly can help reduce the presence of flies.
  • Clean up spills and crumbs immediately. Again, flies are attracted to food, so cleaning up crumbs and spills quickly can help reduce the presence of flies.
  • Use natural remedies. Natural fly repellents such as vinegar, essential oils, or garlic can be used to repel or trap flies.

At Ecology Exterminating Service, we understand that flies can be a nuisance. We offer effective removal of fly infestation with minimal use of pesticides.