Fly Exterminator Belmont and East Tremont

Call Ecology Exterminating today at (718) 972-1040 to eliminate flies once and for all. Our services are effective, eco-friendly and guaranteed.

fly exterminator in belmont and east tremont

Call Ecology Exterminating Service now to quickly exterminate flies from your home or office.

Are you a homeowner in Belmont looking for a fly exterminator? Look no further than Ecology Exterminating Service. We have been in business for 50 years and have the experience and knowledge to solve your fly infestation. Our friendly technicians will come to you and provide a free estimate. We guarantee results and offer year-round service plans.

In addition to our experienced staff, we also pride ourselves on our minimal use of pesticides. Our technicians are trained to identify and use the most effective methods of extermination, which often does not require the use of harsh chemicals. We also place a strong emphasis on customer service, and we work hard to ensure that our customers are happy with the results.

With our extensive experience and commitment to excellent service, there's no better choice for a fly exterminator in Belmont than Ecology Exterminating Service. Contact us today to learn more about our services and to get started on your fly extermination project.

fly exterminator near me
Got Flies? Call Ecology Exterminating Now!

Great service! Highly recommend.”

T. Lomack
Morris Park

Do You Need A Fly Exterminator For Your Belmont and East Tremont Home?

If you're a homeowner in Belmont and think you may have a fly infestation, there are a few ways to tell.

  • Look for clusters of flies near windows, doors, or other potential entry points.
  • Check for clusters of small black specks that may be fly droppings.
  • Pay attention to any foul odors in the house as flies are attracted to decaying organic matter.

If you notice any of the above signs, it's likely you have a fly infestation. Don't wait - call Ecology Exterminating Service, a professional fly exterminator, immediately. Our team of qualified professionals will quickly identify the species of fly and create a customized, comprehensive plan to eliminate your fly problem. Call Ecology Exterminating Service today and be fly-free tomorrow!

fly exterminator near me
Flies Are Gross. Call Ecology Exterminating Today.
Belmont and East Tremont

Eliminate Flies From Your Belmont And East Tremont Home.

Flies are a nuisance for homeowners in Belmont, Bronx. Luckily, there are several ways to get rid of flies naturally and with minimal pesticide use.

1. Clean Up Food and Mess
Flies are attracted to food and mess, so eliminating these sources can help get rid of them. Sweep up food spillage and regularly take out the trash to keep flies away.

2. Keep Windows and Doors Closed
Flies can easily fly in through open windows and doors. Keep them closed and use fly screens to ensure that flies cannot enter your home.

3. Use Natural Repellents
Certain natural products such as cedar chips, peppermint, and basil can help to repel flies. Place them around the home to keep flies away.

4. Plant Certain Flowers
Certain flowers such as marigolds, lavender and chrysanthemums can help to repel flies. Plant them in your garden to keep them away.

If the above steps do not work, it is time to call in a professional. Ecology Exterminating Service offers effective removal of flies infestation with minimal use of pesticides. Their team of experts can help eliminate flies from your home and make sure they