Flea & Tick Exterminator Belmont and East Tremont

Call Ecology Exterminating today at (718) 972-1040 to eliminate fleas & ticks once and for all. Our services are effective, eco-friendly and guaranteed.

flea & tick exterminator in belmont and east tremont

Call Ecology Exterminating Service now to quickly exterminate fleas & ticks from your home or office.

For homeowners in Belmont looking for a flea and tick exterminator, Ecology Exterminating Service should be at the top of the list. With fifty years of experience, our knowledgeable staff and friendly technicians can provide a service that can't be beaten. We guarantee results and offer year-round service plans and free estimates.

Our service has many benefits, including our minimal use of pesticides. We understand the importance of protecting both your home and the environment, and our experienced personnel are trained to use the most effective, least toxic products available.

We also understand that pests can be a year-round problem. That's why we offer service plans to fit your needs, so you can keep your home and family safe from fleas and ticks all year round.

For your peace of mind, Ecology Exterminating Service also offers free estimates. We take the worry out of the process, and make sure that your home is a safe and comfortable haven.

With so many benefits, why look anywhere else? Contact Ecology Exterminating Service today and let our experience, knowledge, and friendly service help you get rid of fleas and ticks in your Belmont home.

flea & tick exterminator near me
Got Fleas And Ticks? Call Ecology Exterminating Now!

Cockroaches be gone! Great service.

Kingsbridge Heights

Do You Need A Flea & Tick Exterminator For Your Belmont and East Tremont Home?

If you're a homeowner in Belmont, you know you need to be on the lookout for fleas and ticks. Here are some warning signs that could mean you have an infestation.

  • Seeing fleas or ticks on your pet or in your home
  • Your pet scratching more than usual
  • Biting, blood-sucking insects on your pet
  • Seeing dried blood or flea dirt in your pet's fur
  • Your pet's fur or skin looks irritated or inflamed

If you're experiencing any of these signs, you may have a flea and tick infestation. Fortunately, Ecology Exterminating Service can help. Our experienced technicians have the expertise and resources to identify and eliminate fleas and ticks in your home. Give us a Call (718) 972-1040 today and get your home back to normal.

flea & tick exterminator near me
Fleas And Ticks Are Yucky. Call Ecology Exterminating Today.
Belmont and East Tremont

Eliminate Fleas & Ticks From Your Belmont And East Tremont Home.

Flea and ticks infestation can be a major problem for homeowners in Belmont, Bronx. While it's tempting to reach for the pesticide, it's worth considering some of the natural methods of flea and tick removal first. Here are some tips that could help you get rid of fleas and ticks without using too much pesticides:

  • Vacuum the affected areas frequently and dispose of the vacuum bag safely in a sealed container.
  • Wash all bedding and fabrics in hot water and dry them on the highest heat setting to kill fleas and ticks.
  • Inspect your pets for fleas and ticks on a regular basis, and treat them with flea and tick products if necessary.
  • Use natural products such as diatomaceous earth, cedar oil, or neem oil to treat your home and yard.
  • Keep your lawn mowed and your garden free of debris to minimize potential harborage areas for fleas and ticks.

Doing the above will help reduce the number of fleas and ticks in your home, but if the problem persists, it's best to call a professional. Ecology Exterminating Service is an experienced flea and tick removal service that can help you get rid of your flea and tick infestation with minimal use