Fly Exterminator Bedford Stuyvesant

Call Ecology Exterminating today at (718) 972-1040 to eliminate flies once and for all. Our services are effective, eco-friendly and guaranteed.

fly exterminator in bedford stuyvesant

Call Ecology Exterminating Service now to quickly exterminate flies from your home or office.

Bedford Stuyvesant homeowners should hire Ecology Exterminating Service as a fly exterminator for many reasons.

  • We use minimal pesticides, providing a safer environment for you and your family.
  • We have been in business for 50 years, giving you the confidence of knowing you’re dealing with experienced professionals.
  • Our knowledgeable staff are always ready to answer any questions you may have.
  • Our friendly technicians will make sure your pest control experience is as stress-free as possible.
  • We guarantee results, giving you peace of mind.
  • We offer year-round service plans, saving you time and money.
  • Plus, we provide free estimates so you can make an informed decision.

Ecology Exterminating Service has the experience and expertise to solve your fly infestation problem quickly and efficiently. Contact us today to find out more about our services and get a free estimate.

fly exterminator near me
Got Flies? Call Ecology Exterminating Now!

Ecology Exterminating Service is da business! They got rid of all my cockroaches fast, and without a hassle. Highly recommend.

KF Smith

Do You Need A Fly Exterminator For Your Bedford Stuyvesant Home?

Do you think you might have a fly infestation in your home? Here are some signs to watch out for that could mean you do have an infestation.

  • Seeing multiple flies in your home
  • Dead flies found in windowsills and other surfaces
  • A sweet odor or rotting smell coming from certain areas of your home

If you observe any of the signs above, it's important to contact a professional fly exterminator as soon as possible. Ecology Exterminating Service is experienced in eliminating fly infestations. We use safe and effective methods to get rid of flies, so you can rest easy knowing your home is free from a fly infestation. Call us today for assistance!

fly exterminator near me
Flies Are Gross. Call Ecology Exterminating Today.
Bedford Stuyvesant

Eliminate Flies From Your Bedford Stuyvesant Home.

The presence of flies in the home can be quite annoying and even a health hazard. To get rid of flies naturally and with minimal pesticides, there are a few simple steps Bedford Stuyvesant homeowners can take.

  1. Keep the environment clean and make sure to regularly clean surfaces, floors and counter tops with a disinfectant.
  2. Store food in tightly sealed containers.
  3. Keep the doors and windows shut in order to prevent flies from entering the home.
  4. Install screens on windows and doors to further prevent entry of flies.
  5. Make use of natural repellents such as clove oil, basil leaves, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, etc.
  6. Hang fly paper or sticky traps in the home to capture flies.
  7. Place bowls of vinegar, soapy water or a mixture of equal parts of rubbing alcohol and water in areas where flies are commonly found.

For a more effective and permanent solution to a fly infestation, it is recommended to contact a professional exterminating service. Ecology Exterminating Service provides effective removal of flies infestation with minimal use of pesticides.